Yes, this is actually our 10th annual so prepare to be even more amazed than past amazing rallies. What is an Amazing Rally? It’s a gimmick rally which is a cousin to the traditional Time/Speed/Distance Rally, but with a twist. Instead of being concerned with Time and Speed, teams are given questions to answer along the route based on the passing scenery. Additionally, several challenges are setup along the route, giving teams a chance to get out and stretch and test their skills against the other teams in fun and amazing ways.
Each team consists of a car, a driver and a navigator. So put your team together and come prepared to be amazed.
The starting point for “AR10” will be the parking lot of Porsche Lehi. Please arrive with a full tank. Sign in and car staging will begin at 9:30 AM and will close at 10:15 AM as we begin a meeting of all the teams. Remember, this is not a race.
The finish line for the rally will be in the showroom of Porsche Lehi (3455 N Digital Drive, Lehi, UT 84043 See map below). Snacks and beverages will be available beyond the time of the last car arriving. If you are attending the social only, plan on arriving between 2:30 and 3:00. Awards supplied by Porsche Lehi.
Cost is $60 per team for PCA members, and $70 per team for non members. Click here to register.
This year, we'll be raising funds and donations for the Utah food bank. Please bring a canned good per person (or more) that we can send on to the food bank. Additionally, there will be a silent auction for a few items at the finish.