Autocross at UMC
Join us for some spirited parking lot turns and spins. This will be our fourth of at least 6, (hopefully 8), Autocross days during 2022. Participating in autocross is perhaps THE BEST way to learn the limits of your car and your driving skills in a relatively low speed environment where YOU have complete control over how hard you want to push. With even ONE day of "autocrossing" you will come away as an improved driver. Laps are timed, so that you can actually see your improvement on successive runs throughout the day.
Event Location: Utah Motorsports Campus, Sheep Lane, Grantsville, Utah
Eligible Drivers: Valid License/ 18+ year old and Pre-Registration are required. Register here --> msreg.com/AXSEP2023
Eligible Vehicles: All Porsche vehicles and other manufacturer automobiles are eligible.
Vehicle Safety Inspection: All vehicles must be inspected by designated safety inspectors on the day of the event before being allowed on course.
If you drive you MUST also work. The safety and fun of the event depends on this. If you drive in the first group be sure to report to work promptly after your last run. Save packing your car or changing back to street tires until after the event. This will keep the event moving at a good pace allowing more runs for all.
Vehicle classes (P1 to P4, I1 and 2 for Porsches and X for all non Porsches): http://irpca.org/autocross-car-classification.
Please ensure you have the correct car # entered. We will assign Run Groups Blue/Red later
Pre-reg fee (website): $30.00 PCA members, $50.00 non members
No onsite registrations. If we have enough instructors we can accommodate new drivers.