PPHH BRUNCH @ Porcupine
Porsches, Passion, Horsepower, and Hogwash, aka PPHH
When? 9:30 AM Sharp, to beat the crowd. We usually meet upstairs.
Where? Porcupine Grill
3698 Fort Union Blvd,
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
Bring: Your favorite car, a fun Porsche story - does not have to be true, says Rich, and wear your IRPCA nametag*.
Why? To share fun times, visit, and gather with like-minded Porschephiles, demanding separate checks, lying - or truth-ing - with each other and reminiscing or commiserating about...anything, okay, the conversation is mostly car related. Please join us at IRPCA's monthly PPHH of the Porsche faithful.
Join us for this great no-host brunch with great company!