Of all the activities we do in a year, this is definitely the one for new members just joining or veterans who have been a member for years. It’s the place where you can get a great overview of what has happened, and will be happening over the coming months. You can meet new friends or catch up with old ones. It’s really a combination of club business meeting and social gathering of like minded (as far as Porsche ownership goes) folks enjoying a meal and just hanging out. Promoting fun and friendship, quarterly through the year, we eat, drink and well…socialize. Typically members arrive between 6:00PM and 6:30, and the meeting begins around 7pm and ends between 8 or 9pm. Folks are welcome to hang around longer, if they so desire. Our socials are open to all members, and are a great opportunity to meet and socialize with the Intermountain Region officers as well. Dealer personnel and many of our sponsors are often at our socials.  We usually meet at a restaurant so that we can eat together. Our most active members are pretty much down-to-earth folks who just have a passion for the finest automotive marque on the planet. We just enjoy each other’s company and spirited conversation during a mostly unstructured evening. We really do love to get together and have a great time. If you have a fun idea for a social event, we welcome your ideas, and of course, your volunteer help. Contact our Social chair found in the Contacts section on the website. Members range from 18-80+ years old, and come from all walks of life and professions, so we have some impressive diversity and interests in our club. Some of us like to wear tuxes, while others of us prefer jeans and a t-shirt. With over 2,000 active and affiliate members, we’ve got plenty of interests represented. Some are die-hard 356 people, die-hard 914 folks, die hard 924/944/928 fans, die-hard 911 fans, die hard mid-engine fans, die-hard racers, die-hard concours folks, die-hard autocrossers, die-hard rallyists, and die-hard socializers. We share at least three things in common: a love for fun, Porsches, and each other (well, usually!). So consider this your personal invitation to come on out to our next social, introduce yourself, and meet some new friends. We’d love to get you connected.
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